Sunday, April 10, 2011

Passover Meal

We celebrate Passover every year. We do so with a lot of flexibility to the menu, the date and the passover script, but still fun. If you've never tried it and want to, try this meal plan and I'll e-mail you my much-abridged Passover script. Cheers!

This year's Passover Menu:

Appetizer-- Potato Latkes with Applesauce and Sour Cream

Drink-- lots of 100% grape juice in lieu of wine

The Seder Plate (These foods are more symbolic than filling. We include the orange on the Seder plate symbolizing the right of women to become rabbis)

The Passover Feast--

Melted Onion chicken
Matzoh Ball Soup
Bitter Herbs Salad

Fruit and other non chametz delicacies. Any ideas for desserts that use absolutely no leavening?

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