Sunday, February 7, 2010

Recipes that Get Lost in Translation

Hello, fellow bloggers. My name is Kristen Shill, and the most lovely Meg has beckoned me to this food blog thing. My blogging nom de plume is Lost in Translation, so you'll know my recipes by that name.

My food style is perhaps best described as a penchant for fresh ingredients, lots of garlic, and any recipe that calls for alcohol. Since living in France, I adore anything in a lovely rich sauce. I also grew up in an uber-health nut family, so I've learned easy ways to cut fat out of some recipes without totally sacrificing flavor on the altars of Boring Ho-Hum Food-Like Yuck. Bland food is the bane of my existence. Spice it up, baby! (No, really. When I go to Indian and Thai restaurants, my husband and I have to convince—nay, beg!—our waiters to believe that we want food so spicy that we will sweat and endure serious pain twelve hours later.) I don't do much exact measuring when I cook anymore unless I am baking, so most of my spice suggestions are estimates, not bright-line rules.

My food philosophy is that food is a gift. Calories consumed shouldn't be wasted on undeserving food. When I cook proteins, I try to honor the life of the creature that gave its life by making it into something simply delicious. I don't look for shortcuts while cooking (like pulling out the food processor for every little job the way my husband does) because cutting vegetables and peeling cloves of garlic is part of my cooking meditation. One of my truly favorite things is preparing a beautiful meal for people I love who appreciate great food!

Anyway, I'm pleased to be aboard. Look for some recipe contributions from me early in the week. I'll do my best to be a regular blogger. Cheers!

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